Supporting our students


Tutoring covers the emotional and personal developmentof a student. Our tutoring model is an essential element of the educational project. Tutoring must be placed at the center of the teaching process, as it allows personalization.

Our goal is to support and escort students in their development as people. The familiarity of our teachers has been decisive to develop a base of solid values and strengthen their self-esteem. A self-confident student, who is not afraid of making mistakes, will be able to face any challenge.

At Liceo Sorolla we evolved from a reactive approach to a proactive one. Through a Personal Improvement Plan (PIP), students establish and work on both personal and academic goals. Throughout the academic year, they meet with their tutors to design strategies, set objectives, and accomplish learning evidence. At the end of the school year, they will carry out a self-evaluation of the entire process. Each student, from elementary to high school, has their own PIP that evolves throughout the years.