Defining themselves

Middle school

Learning how to learn

Reaching middle school also implies a change of mentality. The main goal in 1ºESO is “learning how to learn”. Our student begins to gain self-confidence, autonomy, and maturity. In these years, the intellectual developmentof students must be enhanced with a constructive methodology that turns them into creative, critical, and reflective thinkers. We work in an interdisciplinary way and we encourage students to make connections between what they learn and real life.

Inquiry units

We promote curiosity, entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability, creativity, critical thinking, intercultural understanding and effort. We work by units of inquiry and contextualization, promoting a competence assessment model. We pursue an intellectual and emotional challenge that helps them grow as a person.

Public speaking

One of the skills that we promote is public speaking. Our students have an average of 24 annual individual and groups presentations, through which they develop their skills to capture the attentionof the audience, share their knowledge and tell stories. The ability to transmitand defend your ideas is among the most valued in the professional world.

Research projects

We are committed to innovative and alternative methodologies. For this reason, we are open to a teaching model that allows our students to get to know the world around them through projects in which they are the main character. Research, analysis and presentations have an initialed working modelthat helps our students to learn, self-evaluate and continue learning.


Learning mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology are a hallmark at Liceo Sorolla. We work both concepts and mechanics necessary to ensure that students acquire a solid foundation. We approach each concept from different points of view and introduce graphic and contextualized elements.

Activities are organized in levels of difficulty to accomplish progressive growth, helping students reach the highest performance possible in each subject. Exercises also require the use of different technological resourcesin order to tackle problems whose analytical treatment is quite difficult or even impossible.

Depending on the characteristics of the concepts addressed, exercises with and without a calculator will be combined so that students gain confidence with calculus, making numbers familiar and identify patterns.

In middle school, each repertoire includes guided practices in a workshop format. These practices are intended to be a suitable substitute for the more rigorous demonstrations in higher courses, bringing concepts closer to students through autonomous discovery and developing their confidence and motivation.


We feel responsible for instilling in all our students the responsibility of caring for the planet. Our “green leaders”project educates in values such as recycling, environmental awareness, intellectual activism or renewable energy. All students receive training and participate for at least one year in this program.

We have become part of a worldwide network that promotes the decarbonization of the planet through collaboration with UNESCO, the Center of Global Education, Taking It Global, Ocean Wise or Polar Bears Int., among others.


Every month we work on a different value. This subject has weekly sessions to work on, encouraging analysis and communication through a wide variety of activities (projects, posters, plays, films, fairs …).

In both middle and high school, we work in groups with tutors on a weekly baisis. Additionally, we teach values through the physical education subject. As homework, students put into practice what they have learned in the unit, linking their learning to a real context.

Music bands & theater club

The school is committed to Foster music and performing arts. We have numerous music bands with different styles made up of students of different ages. Every year we carry out solidarity concerts inside and outside the school to help those most in need. These bands are multi age and multi-cultural and have become one of the most popular educational vehicles in our community.

Musical theateris another project through which we work on creativity, improvisation, and social skills. Students form their own “theater company” and perform musicals and plays.


Our students are entrepreneurs by nature. From the moment they enter the school, they carry out small entrepreneurial projectsthat range from campaigns to be a class representative, to campaigns to protect the environment. Senior students carry out a business fairin which they present their start-ups to the rest of their classmates and participate in a contest where parents are the jury.

Entrepreneurship is an essential quality in any professional context. Whether it is a personal project or one of intra-entrepreneurship within a multinational company, people with an entrepreneurial spirit have more options to progress and prosper.


In high school we introduce programming with java script, visual, inventor app, autocad and wordpress, among other tools. We use 3D printers, graphic design applications and introduce our students to virtual reality. Our fundamental objective is to train intuitive people, capable of adapting quickly to any computer program.

At the programming level, we try to offer good base to understand the world in which they live in and to compete in a world of algorithms. Students learn object animation with Action Script, Flash and simulators. In Bachillerato, they go to a higher level learning structure control, high-level languages and programming with Visual Basic.

In addition, the school has started a project to create Technology and Robotics subjectranging from kindergarten to high school. We believe on a technological curriculum that develops STEAM skills (Science – Technology – Engeneering – Art – Mathematics).