Excellence and innovation
International education
Prepare responsible and committed people through a cutting-edge, international and world class education. Cutting-edge, because we are sensitive to our environment, and we want to connect with society. International, because the world is increasingly interrelated, and it is essential to speak several languages and know different cultures. And world class, because we want to offer the best education, with the best teachers and the highest level of personalization
We are evolving towards a more participatory model that places the student at the center of the learning process. Our main concern is to develop a learning system that enhances students´ skills and adapts to their learning rhythms. As an educational community we work on four fundamental strategies.
Foster the best education through innovative methodologies, a personalized experience and a familiar approach
1. Humanistic and professional training approach
We want to offer our students a world of opportunitieswhen they finish their studies. That is why we give equal importance to academic excellenceand personal development. As a school, we are committed to preparing students to be able to successfully develop their careers. We are sensitive to the outside world and the type of talent that companies seek. Thus, we are transforming our educational project so that it opens doors for them in the future. Philosophy, ethics and values are essential to successfully graduate from high school and move on to university. We are fully convinced of the importance of teaching students to become a sound person, to fight for what is fair and to contribute to making this world a better place.
2. Learning how to think and feel
It´s essential to teach students how to think for themselves, develop critical thinking skills and to stay curious and imaginative. Problem-solving, creativity and social skillsare as essential as teamwork, empathy, and leadership for professional and personal growth. Developing key skills must be combined with a deep training in emotional intelligence and a constant work of our inner world. Everything we do in life we do it with people. Each interaction creates emotions with which we have to live and on which we have to reflect. The secret to a balanced lifeis to understand that every action, every word and every decision will have consequences in my life and in that of the people around us.
Innovation and continuous teacher training
Educational innovation takes places through the teachers´ work. Educators make learning a reality. Our strategy to remain as a benchmark schoolfor innovation follows a delicate research process that is combined with in-depth teacher training. When we start a training process, our goal is to become experts However, teachers must not only improve on a technical and teaching level, but also on a personal level. For this reason, we are committed to training them in “soft skills”, since learning only occurs through emotions and connecting with other humans.
Training international citizens
We prepare students for a global world in which different cultures and ways of thinking coexist. To achieve our goal, we are committed to a trilingual project (Spanish + English + French) and a team of international teachers. We offer our families international trips to five countries so that our students open their minds and live unforgettable experiences firsthand. Currently, we have students from 25 nationalities, fostering a diverse and inclusive environment.